Io Delarosa
Io is a wandering Paladin, travelling with his patron Rui as he seeks to fulfill his Oath of Revenge. He was the son of the late tiefling horn trader Rex and a sex worker named Melia, and is the adopted son of Brutus.
Although he prefers to work alone, the few friends which Io has made consider him a reliable, yet shady character. When someone needs something done, no matter how shady it may be, Io will have it done (provided that you have the gold to pay for it).

Lovebug, Infernal Bastard, Vile SerpentCharacteristics
Age: 22
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 5'6" ; 1.68 m
Birthday: October 31st
Race: Tiefling
Birthplace: Arcadia
Status: Alive

blah blah blah this is a test
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born to a tiefling trader and a sex worker. trained to fight by his second dad. betrayed in a wedding. rescued and raised by lauvril in the forest and trains as a ranger. meets rui after rui sneaks in and takes a personal interest in him. proceeds on a quest of revenge, makes friends and finds healthy coping mechanisms and love along the way.
to be added
Warui "Rui"
Corravan Lumen
Rosalyn "Rosie" Meadows
- - He is bisexual and transgender.
- - His name is pronounced "ai-owe".
to be added